Find A Peaceful Solution For Your Divorce Problems
A divorce is always a major life transition, but it does not have to be a brutal one. Most people want to make their divorce as painless as possible – and mediation can help.
Attorney Tonya Cromartie always believes in fighting for her client’s best interests. Sometimes, that means aiming for a mediated divorce, not a court battle. Attorney Cromartie has been certified as a family law mediator by the Florida Supreme Court since 2014. At The Law Office of Tonya D. Cromartie, P.A., she can help you work through even the most complicated divorce situations.
Keeping Your Priorities In Mind
Mediated divorces have become fairly mainstream, but most people still have a lot of questions about the process. Below are answers to some of the main questions divorce clients ask about mediation.
What is family mediation in the context of divorce?
Family mediation involves a neutral third party assisting divorcing couples in reaching agreements on issues like child custody, child and spousal support, and property division.
How does family mediation differ from traditional court litigation?
Family mediation is a voluntary, collaborative process, whereas court litigation is an adversarial legal proceeding where decisions are made by a judge.
What are the benefits of family mediation during a divorce proceeding?
With mediation, your divorce can be cheaper and faster. You also retain more control over the outcome, while litigation puts control in the hands of the court.
Who conducts the negotiations in a family mediation process?
A trained mediator facilitates negotiations, guiding you and your spouse through all the discussions until you find mutually acceptable solutions.
Do I need to be represented by an attorney during the family mediation process?
It is not required, but it is incredibly unwise not to have representation during the mediation process. Attorney Cromartie has the training, experience and skill needed to draft an agreement that is tailored directly to your needs and conscious of your rights.
What happens if an agreement is reached during the mediation process?
When all the issues important to the divorce have been worked out, it is typically presented to the court for final approval so it can become binding.
What issues can be resolved by a divorce mediation legal service?
There are no issues in a divorce that cannot be addressed in mediation, including the division of the marital assets and debts, spousal support, and child support, custody and visitation.
How is the cost of family mediation divided between the parties involved?
The cost is typically shared between the spouses, either equally or as agreed upon based on their relative financial positions.
Get The Legal Help You Need Today
When you are going through a divorce, you need compassionate, attentive legal guidance. Let a lawyer help you find the answers to all your questions. Call The Law Office of Tonya D. Cromartie, P.A., at 386-319-2658 or use the online form to contact the Daytona Beach law office and learn more.